2) Ecological and Flood Risk Assessment for the Proposed Logging of timber IN Benin by Gotville, West Africa
International Projects
4) Project management: Plant propagation and conservation in the Lesotho Highlands Water Project
3) Social impact assessment and mitigation for the location of Tailing Dam for the Gold Mine Sadiola and Farabakuta in Mali, North Africa. Institute of Natural Resources for International Finance Corporation (Division of World Bank)
1) Environmental Impact and Flood Risk Assessment for the Proposed Logging of timber IN Madagascar by Gotville
Project Description: Indoor Mapping, GIS and Mapping, Asset Management SystemMapping Various Properties (Commercial and Farming)
Client: Ducatus Property Group
year: 2015 - Present
GIS Projects
2) Project Description: Pipeline Mapping and GIS Database
Project Location: Uganda-Tanzania [UTCOP / EACOP]
Client: Total S.A
Year: 2017
3) Project Description: Water Reuse Strategy for EWS
Client: eThekwini Municipality
Year: 2018
4) Project Description: Stormwater Manhole Assessments
Client: eThekwini Municipality
Year: 2018
True North Mapping:
Cornerstone mapping
8) Project Description: Analysis of the KwaZulu Natal Paved Road Network
Client: VNA Consulting Engineers
Year: 2010 - 2012
5) Project Description: eTheweni Asbestos Concrete Pipeline Replacement
Client: eThekweni (Contracted to Goba Consulting Engineers – now Hatch)
Year: 2008 - 2011
6) Project Description: Stormwater Manhole Assessments
Client: eThekwini Municipality
Year: 2018
7) Project Description: Durban Harbour Widening
Client: HMG (Hatch / Mott MacDonald / Goba JV)
Year: 2007
1) Training community on Landcare at Bhekuzulu Vryheid
2) Training community on Landcare at Nkandla
Training in Agriculture and Landcare
1) Rural Socio-economic Development Planning for Khumalo Land Claim Group
Land Reform and Socio-economic Development Planning Projects
2) Preparation of Land use and Socio-economic Planning for the Farm ‘BNB’ Ixopo
3) Preparation of Land use and Socio-economic Planning for the Kingsley community
4) Preparation of Land use and Socio-economic Planning for Ncalu
5) Land feasibility assessment for agricultural development. Area Based Management Programme, eThekwini Municipality, Durban.
6) Land feasibility assessment for agricultural development. Area Based Management Programme, eThekwini Municipality, Durban.
1) Environmental impact assessment (public participation process) for the expansion of the car terminal in the Durban Port
2) Environmental scoping for construction of truck stop and office accommodation at the Kings Rest site in the Durban Port
Environmental Impact Assessment Projects
3) State of the environmental report for Compensation community
4) Environmental assessment of multi-facet social cohesion development projects Pongola and Vryheid northern KwaZulu-Natal
5) Environmental feasibility study of the Ndwebu Mountain as a potentialtourism destination
7) Environmental scoping for service stations at Town View and Luthando, Stanger
6) Environmental scoping for extension of High Voltage Power lines in Coedmore and Shall cross
8) Environmental Impact Assessment for the establishment of a home and body care industry, Southgate Industrial Pak, Amanzimtoti
9) Environmental Scoping for the establishment of a Petrol Service Station at Moola Industrial Area Stanger
10) Environmental Scoping for the establishment of a Petrol Service Station at Darnell
13) Environmental input Mooi Mpofana Municipality LUMS
16) Environmental input Indaka Municipality LUMS
11) Integrated Environmental Management Plan for Mbabazane Municipality
14) Environmental input Mbabazane Municipality LUMS
17) Environmental input Nqutu Municipality LUMS
12) Environmental Impact Assessment and Rehabilitation of Spoil Dump at Mooi River
15) Environmental scoping for Newbary High Income Housing Project
18) Environmental input Impendle Municipality LUMS
1) Environmental scoping for Greytown Housing Project
2) Environmental scoping for Zwelethu Housing Project
3) Preparation of an environmental management plan for Madiba Housing project.
4) Preparation of an environmental management plan for Madiba Housing project.
5) Environmental scoping for Umlazi S Extension Housing Project
7) Environmental evaluation for potential housing development in Merebank1
6) Environmental scoping for Umlazi S Extension Housing Project
8) Environmental scoping for Driefontein Housing Project
9) Environmental scoping for Driefontein Housing Project
11) Environmental Impact Assessment for a Housing project at Chesterville
14) Environmental scoping for farm Uplands, KwaXolo, Masinenge, and Kholombe Housing projects
17) Environmental Scoping for Ubizo Rural Housing Project. Ntambanana Municipality
12) Environmental scoping for Ezimbokodwini Housing project
15) Environmental scoping for Vulindlela Ward 4 Rural Housing Project Vulamehlo Municipality
18) Environmental scoping for Vulindlela Ward 4 Rural Housing Project Vulamehlo Municipality
19) Environmental scoping for Thorny Park Housing Project eNdondakusuka Municipality
32) Strategic Environmental Assessment for the development of Midmar Dam
25) Environmental scoping for Umziynathi Urban Development Project
31) Environmental scoping for Umziynathi Urban Development Project
27) Environmental scoping for Nodunga Rural Housing Project Mapumulo Municipality
24) Environmental scoping for Mkhonto Rural Housing Project Mapumulo Municipality
21) Environmental scoping for Uitvaal Rural Housing Project. Mbense Tribal Authority
30) Environmental scoping for Vulamehlo Ward 5 Rural Housing Project
26) Environmental scoping for Kwadabeke Housing Projects
23) Environmental scoping for Kloof Housing Project
20) Environmental scoping for Mnqobokazi Rural Housing Project. Big Five False Bay Municipality
22) Environmental scoping for Qudeni Development Framework
28) Environmental scoping for Sangcwaba Rural Housing Project Ubuhlebezwe Municipality
39) Environmental assessment for Waterfall Low Income Housing Project for the eThekwini Municipality
35) Environmental assessment for Emapheleni Housing Project for the eThekwini Municipality
41) Environmental assessment for Greytown Extension 14 Low Income Housing Project for the uMvoti Municipality
43) Environmental assessment for Wembazi A Housing Project for the Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality
42) Environmental assessment for Greytown Extension 14 Low Income Housing Project for the uMvoti Municipality
40) Environmental assessment for Belgrade Housing Project for the uPongolo Municipality
37) Strategic Environmental Assessment for the development of Midmar Dam
36) Beneficiary identification and Sales Administration for Ephangweni Rural Housing Project
34) Environmental assessment for KwaDinabakubo Housing Project for the eThekwini Municipality
33) Strategic Environmental Analysis of Nkomazi Municipality (Mpumalanga Province)
38) Beneficiary identification and Sales Administration for Lochsloy Rural Housing Project
Rural Housing Projects
10) Preliminary environmental evaluation for potential housing projects in Lamontville
13) Environmental scoping for Driefontein Housing Project
29) Environmental scoping for Greytown Rural Housing Project Ubuhlebezwe Municipality
16) Environmental Impact Assessment for a Housing project at Emona
18 Joseph Chamberlain Road, Sweetwaters, Hilton
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm